James Craig Annan, Harlech Castle 1910
James Craig Annan, Harlech Castle 1910
James Craig Annan
Harlech Castle, 1910
Camera Work XXXII
Photogravure, 15.1 x 21.4 cm
The plate for this print was prepared for Stieglitz by James Craig Annan. The print was made by Annan's firm, T. & R. Annan & Sons in Scotland.
Frederick Evans writes of this image.. ‘This is one of those renderings of a subject that make one feel that no one else ought to touch it in that aspect or condition; it is done once and for all.' [1] And William Buchanan describes it this way...Snow has outlined the steps and wall. The air is cold and quiet. The icy light is fading. There seems to be no tangible activity to prompt the exposure. The faintest of echo’s inhabit this uncanny print. [2]
Kruse, Margret. Kunstphotographie Um 1900: D. Sammlung Ernst Juhl; Hamburg: Museum für Kunst u. Gewerbe, 1989 pl. 22
[1] Frederick H. Evans. ‘The Photographic Salon’. The Amateur Photographer & Photographic News, vol. 50, no. 1303
Buchanan William et al. The Art of the Photographer: J. Craig Annan 1864-1946. National Galleries of Scotland 1992 p. 28
Buchanan William. J. Craig Annan : Selected Texts and Bibliography. Clio Press 1994.